Kapiton Zelentsov Biography

Kapiton Alexeevich Zelentsov was born into the well-to-do-family of a collegiate assessor, owner of 3 big plants in the Urals. In the 1820s, Kapiton Zelentsov was at state service, first in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then in the Personal Office of the Emperor. He began his studies with Venetsianov in 1820s. Though he never dropped his service for painting, he reached some results in the latter, in 1830 he received from the Academy the title of a painter, and, being one of the first Venetsianov's students, deserves to be represented here.


Painters of Venetzianov’s School. by T. Alexeeva. Moscow. Iskusstvo. 1982.

De l’histoire du realisme dans la peinture russe. Moscow. 1982.

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